We’ve been on the other end of this twice now and being ahead late and not being able to make the plays to win, and, this time, we made the plays to win. Just awesome. What an experience. A lot of mental toughness by our team, a lot of physical toughness. We played against a phenomenal defense and we just ultimately made enough plays. We made a couple of crappy plays – I certainly did – but we made enough plays to win.

— Tom Brady

I think my best asset as a player is that in the fourth quarter, with the game on the line, I have the desire to win and the feeling that our team is not going to lose

– Tom Brady

Mental toughness is going out there and doing what’s best for the team – even though everything isn’t going exactly the way you want it to.

— Bill Belichick

Do Your Job

– Bill Belichick

Rob is a great teammate. He’s a big goofball, a big baby. All he cares about is football and football. — On teammate Rob Gronkowski

— Julian Edelman