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10 Most Favorite Exercises You Can Do With Dumbbells

in Fitness


There are so many exercise equipment you can use to work out. They have various styles, specific used and benefits like for cardio, weight and strength exercise.

Equipment’s such as treadmill, medicine ball, bicycles, boxing pads, etc.

Yet, one of the most common and used equipment there is, the dumbbell.

Dumbbells are  used in weight training, they are made of either metal bars or cast iron with metal plates on both sides. Can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand.

Here are 10 Most Favorite Exercise using Dumbbells;

  1. Biceps Curl – with a dumbbell on each hand start on standing position. Arms should be hanging at your sides while palms facing forward. Then flex your elbows to curl the weight in a controlled motion. Pause the motion then go back on the staring position.
  2. Shoulder Press – with a dumbbell on each hand start on standing position. Do the pressing movement by extending your arms, flexing and abducting your shoulder to rotate the arms as you press above your head. Pause at the top then go back on the staring position.
  3. Overhead Triceps – start on a sitting position, hold dumbbell on one hand directly above head with arm fully extended. Try to clasp  elbow with free hand for support. Then, slowly fold elbow so dumbbell is lowered behind head. Finally extend arm back to staring position and repeat.
  4. Front Raises – on a standing position, knees slightly bent, shoulder with apart. Palms should be facing towards thighs. Raise one dumbbell directly in front of you. When arm is parallel to ground lower dumbbell slowly back then repeat with the other arm.
  5. Hammer Curls – in a standing position with dumbbells both sides. Turn palms inward so they face body. Curl dumbbells up slowly keeping your elbows close to sides. Do as many repetitions as you can.
  6. Flat Chest Press – Lying flat on a bench or mat, hold the dumbbells directly above chest with arms extended. Then lower dumbbells to chest on a controlled motion, press dumbbells back to starting position and repeat the movement as many as you can.
  7. Half Squats – Holding dumbbells at sides, stand upright with feet shoulder width apart. Bend and do squat position while keeping your back flat. Return to upright position and repeat.
  8. Lunges – Holding dumbbells at sides, stand upright with feet shoulder width apart. Step one foot forward about 2 feet and bend your knees to 90 degrees nearly it touches the ground. The push off with front foot to return to starting position.
  9. French Press – lying on a flat surface or bench, hold dumbbells with both hands directly above chest with palms facing and just about touching each other. Locked your shoulders and let your elbows fold so dumbbells are lowered down to either side of head. Go back to staring position and repeat.
  10. Triceps Kickback – standing position right beside a bench place one arm and leg on the bench. Upper body should be parallel to ground. Holding dumbbell raise your elbow so upper arm is parallel to ground while elbows bent on right angles. Then extend elbow so entire arm is parallel to ground and go back to starting position, repeat. Switch position and work on the other arm.

There are so many dumbbell weight class to choose from. In using this equipment, you should be conscious on how heavy you can carry to avoid any injury. Better start on lighter weights and as you get used to it move on to higher weight.

Dumbbell exercises are good for building and strengthening muscles on upper body especially the arms and shoulders part.

Try these 10 most favorite exercises using one of the most effective tool, the dumbbells.

7 Tips for a Trimmer You

in Fitness

7 Tips for a Trimmer You

Gain weight from holidays? So much party, still feeling bloated and trying to cut down calories.

This time you wanted to feel better and lose some weight. With so many resolutions losing weight is one of the most difficult to achieve.

To lose some pounds this year here are 7 simple tips you can take to reach that goal.

1.Drink plenty enough water. Our body is consist of average 65% water, so it important to keep it hydrated. Hydration leads to hunger. Drink as much as 8-ounce glasses a day, also it is best to drink a glass full of water every before meal.

2.Sleep more. Study shows that lack of sleep leads to weight gain. Sleep deprivation can cause cravings, moody feeling and laziness. It is recommended to get at least seven hours of sleep everyday.

3.Choose Food Wisely. There are so much food types and nutrition available to consume. Good, junk and we thought good kind of foods are up for sale on the market so better choose your food wisely. Choose foods high in protein and fiber rich foods to make you fuller and provide more energy. Load up foods like eggs, poultry, cottage cheese, vegetables, whole grains and seeds.

4.Avoid Empty Calories. These are the foods we knew it’s bad yet so delicious and hard to resist. Try to avoid such as sodas, syrups, sugary snacks, white bread, white rice and highly process foods.

5.Look for smart substitutions. Like choosing the right food, try to choose better ways or options on how to cook or prepare your food. For example use olive oils on frying, sauté foods in stock or broth instead, choose popcorn not chips, or substitute your coffee with some smoothies.

6.Listen to your body. Be responsible with your own body, take care of it and listen. Eat on time with small amounts at least 5 times a day. Do not eat when your are too hungry, bored or stressed – or else your body will crave for more. Put down the fork when you feel full and satisfied – your body says enough so listen.

7.Exercise or move more. Visit your gym as much as you can, try to walk or jog around your village, take the stairs instead of elevators at work and do sit ups while watching TV. These are just some that helps your keep moving and somehow makes you burn those calories and fats. Don’t stay on one place/position in an hour, you got to move.

Follow these simple ways to trim down weight, make it a habit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Start Your 2017 with 30 Days Body Shaping Challenge

in Fitness

2016 is a year long of challenges, with regards to health getting fit was our priority.

And for sure we did our best to eat right, sleep right and exercise as much as possible.

Why not start the new year 2017, taking this month long challenge?

30 days body shaping challengeStart your 2017 with 30 days challenge


Lunges – are good exercise for strengthening, sculpting and building muscles including thighs, buttocks as well as the hamstrings. Try as much as possible both side lunges and back/forward lunges for better results, also carry some medicine ball if you can to put some weight.

Squats – helps to shape up your legs including your calves. It also help you improve both your upper and lower body strength. You can use equipment like kettlebell or weights to add some pressure.

Plank – this is one of the best core strengthening workout. This builds endurance and helps your shape your abs, back and core. Also will improve your posture and balance.

Frog Jumps – this is a great calorie burner exercise. Helps you power up and build strong muscles all over the body. This exercise is so easy to do and so effective movement.

Crunches – if you want more visible and strong abs try crunches. This exercise helps you shape and make you abdominal muscles stronger.

Try to do some warm up like jog in place before doing these routines and do stretching right after to prevent from getting sore. Also drink plenty of water and rest in a while if you are in pain, skip a day or so and get back strong.

Holiday season is almost over, take the challenge and help your body get in shape before summer time.

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