Watch NBA NBA Top 10 Plays of the Night | February 28, 2020

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Check out the top 10 plays of the night from around the league on Feb. 28 featuring Ja Morant, Derrick Rose, Bam Adebayo and more! Subscribe to the NBA: …

Video information

This NBA’s video is titled NBA Top 10 Plays of the Night | February 28, 2020 and credited to NBA. Viewing time is 00:03:01, enjoy our fellow NBA fans!



  1. Just saw the game between the Knicks vs Chicago Bulls! The Bulls did indeed play a catch up game! They ain't stood a chance against us! One thing though, dem girls in the cheerleading squad ain't did a damn thing to get me hyped up for the game. But I must say, the Knicks played really well; I'm proud of 'em!

  2. The rule change (and enforcement’s) like “Illegal Defense” Being eliminated. Which meant that Zone Defense became legal. The two are directly correlated. Was to compensate for eliminating Hand Checking in its entirety in the early 00s. The rule was applied in the late 90s BUT it was extremely vague and limited based upon court position. The early 00s is when it was completely banned. Flat out no question. So bringing in zone defense was the answer. Think of it like this: “Hand checking is no longer allowed but at least defenders can help guard from anywhere on the court now.” Whereas prior to “illegal defense” being eliminated- (to keep things very simple) you essentially were forced to play man coverage. Anything other than man was illegal and the refs called it. There was a single exception: Fully committed double team. Which usually left a person open on the court and unguarded. So Zone Defense eradicated that whole scenario from the league. The advent of Zone Defense was to boost defenders in a league where Hand checking was no longer available.
    The league did that to make players score more because TV ratings were higher, and still are, when players are scoring more points. Even if there’s a legion of fans that disagree- you guys are outnumbered. The fans that usually disagree tend to be fans who do research on the game and understand player positions, etc AKA the “core fans.” However, most viewership comes from casual fans who are excited by seeing shots made. They don’t know the player stats or how many positions are in basketball: and they don’t need to. The league is a business and more ratings = more money.
    So when the league being ingenious ALSO, created another rule around at the same time it created the other two in the early 00s. The 3 second defense rule. With HC gone, Ball Handlers could no longer be touched which made it easier for them to move and score. Activating Zone Defense would’ve curtailed that BUT the league saw ahead and created the 3s Defense rule. Thus, killing off the value of the big man and making the role of center obsolete. Now ball handlers couldn’t be touched, and always had an open lane to drive in. And researching the points scored per game since the early 00s you’d see a steady increase.
    Personally I’d like to see the 3s Defense rule eliminated & modified versions of HC allowed throughout the play-offs. The game should get tougher in the play-offs. I feel like that makes it a win-win situation for fans of the high scoring offense oriented league who get their fun regular season. And fans of a more physical and defensive league to get our fun in the post season. And I say play-off changes because there won’t be the excuse of players getting physical for too many games can risk injuries.

  3. ""We stay in Pheonix for the number 8th PLAY, where its Langston GALLOWAY""
    ""Memphis gets the STEAL and its about to get REAL""
    ""Mitchell going up on two FEET, to get you out of you SEAT""
    ""Its a dunk champ ASSIST and you can only do that with a teammates like THIS""

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