Sporati @ WWE’s Social Media update
Has @randyorton gone too far? #RAW
WWE’s Instagram post information
WWE’s social media post titled Has gone too far? … is credited to WWE on instagram account wwe and currently has 180851 likes as of posting.
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@randyorton has been my favorite since 2009 and he’s one of the best top heels in WWE ever.
No….he is following the script?
That was fake asf??
Muita mentira
All hardy fans follow my page! @charismatic_enigma1233
Jeff No More Words
No ??Love The Viper????
Look at matt and edges fingets when they got hit with the kanchairto they wre black out
???? ?????
Hey guys, a brilliant information just crossed my mind…. Randy Orton’s full name is Randall Keith Orton which….if shortened is written as RKO!!!!
@senarauana olha ai como são as lutas do WWE
Oloshi lomo randy yi
Best/Favourite Heel off all time ???
Damn cruel