WWE – is here on …

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Sporati @ WWE’s Social Media update

@gronk is here on #Smackdown!

WWE’s Instagram post information

WWE’s social media post titled is here on … is credited to WWE on instagram account wwe and currently has 232364 likes as of posting.

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  1. It’s all so bad. Just cancel all wwe shows until the pandemic is over. This is embarrassing. Empty high school gymnasium sized buildings with audience? Come on wwe. Have some dignity. Your athletes could use some time to recouporate from years of wear and tear. And everyone will be safe. All other sports have downtime and when it comes back on the fans are pumped and excited. Wwe has oversaturated its product as it is. Take a damn break. If wwe does wrestle mania in empty venues that will be like the super bowl being held at a middle school football field.

  2. Pushing Gronk and Goldberg instead of actual young talent the fans want to see. Completely out of touch.

  3. Gronk in Orlando. Brady in Tampa. Ya gotta wonder what New England Patriots are thinking right about now.

  4. They need to make more matches and less promo eight now with no crowd. with no audience now is a good time to create new story line and give some young talent chance to go on tv.

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