NBA Team Update On this date in 2011, was named the youngest in league history at 22 years old…

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On this date in 2011, @drose was named the youngest #KiaMVP in league history at 22 years old!

NBA’s Instagram post information

NBA’s social media post titled On this date in 2011, was named the youngest in league history at 22 years old… is credited to #NBATogether on instagram account nba and currently has 766347 likes as of posting.

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  1. Can you imagine what could have happen if Bulls would have took him out of a game they had the win in

  2. If D Rose stayed healthy he would’ve been scary to watch ……dare I say he’d might have a chip by now

  3. He’d be a Top 3 PG in the league if he was never injured, he probably could’ve took down Miami the following season during the Big 3 era.

  4. ion wanna hear no bashing on his name. he deserved that mvp and if you think otherwise do your research?????

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