Watch NBA NBA Top 5 Plays Of The Night | August 21, 2020

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Check out the top 5 plays of the night from the #NBAPlayoffs on August 21, featuring Kawhi Leonard, Fred VanVleet, Donovan Mitchell and more!

Video information

This NBA’s video is titled NBA Top 5 Plays Of The Night | August 21, 2020 and credited to NBA. Viewing time is 00:01:38, enjoy our fellow NBA fans!



  1. I feel Boban can play better defense but scared he might hurt someone. If he would’ve jumped and contested that, he would’ve not only blocked it but drop Landry to the floor

  2. All have sinned & fallen short of the glory of God. The good news is that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the 3rd day. Believing this in your heart is the only way to be saved by grace thru faith alone. Sin is the curse, Christ is the Cure, he overcame it for us. Those that reject the gospel are lost souls heading to hell unless they come to the truth of the only true living God. Jesus said, this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, & men loved darkness rather than light. Broad is the way that leads to hell & most go down it, narrow is the way that leads up to heaven & few find it. We must be born again of the Holy Spirit to enter Heaven. To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life. We live in a temporary preparation to decide your eternity, are you investing in it wisely by accepting the sacrifice Christ made for your sins or using your free will to be found guilty of all your sins? Now’s the best time to convert to Christianity, prophecies of the last days are coming to pass like the Israel peace treaty, we’re closer than you can imagine. God will soon collect his children at the rapture, the rest will endure 7 years of tribulation under rule of the Antichrist. Real love is suffering for a world that rejects you so they can obtain salvation rather than damnation. I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it’s the power of God unto salvation for everyone that believes it.

  3. Come on seriously Freddy shot is #1. Just because it's a Canadian city u guys don't appreciate Toronto. If Kemba walker did a 55 footer u would put it as number 1

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